News Item
Screenshot Contest Scenario One
The first Screenshot Scenario Contest is now up and running on the Cult of Rapture site where you wan win some BioShock goodies (if you live in the USA)
Welcome to our first screenshot scenario contest! For this scenario, you will be fighting a grenadier in the Medical Pavilion of Rapture. You are armed with your trusty wrench and a shotgun, but unfortunately the shotgun has only one cartridge left. You also have the electro bolt plasmid, and the telekinesis plasmid.
The grenadier is armed with handmade grenades which he is throwing at you.
Happy submissions! Click the link below to email your 1000-word-or-less solution to me.
Remember: There is no "right answer" for this contest -- We have counted at least six different ways to take down this grenadier.
We'll be posting the text of all the possible solutions we receive, and I will choose one of the most creative options to film and post in two weeks time.