News Item
May 19, 2006
Computer and Video Games interview Ken Levine
Computer and Video Games interview Ken Levine
As the title suggests, Computerandvideogames.com have interviewed Ken Levine, Creative Director of Irrational Games (at least I think that's his new job title. Head honcho, anyway)
Twist, from our forums, points this out as being an interesting, if not a little suprising, quote from the article:
I wonder when the interview was conducted, and whether it's just the dialogue that's not final, as I would expect that's never truly "final".CVG: What's Bioshock's story then?
Ken Levine: I haven't finished the story to Bioshock yet - I know the thrust of it, but I'm getting a hard time from our producers because I haven't written all the dialogue yet. Ask everyone who's ever worked with me, they hate me because I take forever with that stuff. I let the game tell me, as it develops, what to do. Some things are accidents - you see something in the game world and can create a hook from that.
Posted by David 5/19/2006 @ 15:32:45 EST. Link to this