News Item
Penny Arcade
Crikey, as there is no "Official" Bioshock site, Penny Arcade linked to us in their E3 coverage.
While our server held up fine, our tiny little web pipe did not take kindly to 30,000 hits in an hour so I've shuffled it off over here
It's just a shame we didn't get our new design up and running before hand, as it is a lot more relevant to the game now that we actually have some info about it from E3. Oh well, you'll have to come back and visit in a couple of weeks ;)
Update: I've moved all the HTML back to the TTLG server, but left the images at the other host, as it has a better pipe, but because it is shared hosting the Application Pool is also shared and keeps dying. :/
Note to self: may need to spend more than four bucks a month on personal hosting.